Metacrylic products

Orgsteklo was established in 1939 and, in 1940, was the first pilot unit for the production of methyl methacrylate (MMA). Orgsteklo became the only MMA producer in Eastern Europe with a capacity of 32 kta. Other related products included the production of PMMA granules, ammonium sulphate, extrusion and block acrylic glass.

In 2008, Orgsteklo’s  main production line, hydrogen cyanide, was shut down and was restarted in 2010 following PCH’s acquisition of Orgsteklo. Several small scale-up projects improving production costs and technology were also implemented.

The business was sold in 2021.

Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia
approx. €3 million
MMA, PMMA granules, ammonium sulphate, extrusion and block acrylic glass
800 employees